Congratulations nyoman tri!CONGRATULATIONS!  You've made the E365 fina terjemahan - Congratulations nyoman tri!CONGRATULATIONS!  You've made the E365 fina Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Congratulations nyoman tri!CONGRATU

Congratulations nyoman tri!

CONGRATULATIONS!  You've made the E365 finals!  You are now officially one of the best of the best in SFI!  You rock!

For doing so, you've just been won:

A. Prestigious E365 FINALIST badge (now displaying on your SFI homepage)
B. 100 free VersaPoints
C. 10 free entries in the Daily Grand (10 chances to win a share of over $2000 in daily prizes)


1. You're now in the Finalists Drawings!  Each day between now and ~DAY365DATE~, you'll have 25 chances to win cash and prizes.  In all, you'll have 8,375 chances to win up to $500 cash and up to 20 additional prizes.  To be eligible for each day's drawing, just be sure you account for at least 10 VP or have a minimum 1500 VP Standing Order (to learn more about setting up a Standing Order, see:

2. You are now one of just a handful of people remaining from your class that can claim the title of E365 Champion.  If between now and ~DAY365DATE~ you accumulate the most VP in your class, you'll be named the E365 Champion of your class.  For this, you'll receive special corporate recognition, a spot on the E365 "hall of fame" Website, bragging rights, and a handsome plaque for your office wall to commemorate your achievement.  That's not all.  If you're our champion, you'll also receive 365 ADDITIONAL days in the Finalists Drawing (that's another 9,125 chances to win)...and there will be NO LIMIT on the amount of cash and prizes you can win! 

nyoman tri, every year, hundreds of thousands of people join SFI, but only 365 get to claim the title of Entrepreneur365 Champion.  YOU have the opportunity to be a part of this very elite group of SFI entrepreneurs.  We hope you'll make the most of it.  If we can assist you at any time during the next 11 months of your quest, don't hesitate to ask--we're at your service.

Once again, our most sincere congratulations to you for making it to the finals.  You should be very proud of your accomplishment.  Good luck to you the rest of the way!

SFI Admin

* For complete details on the E365 Finalists Drawings, including prize information, restrictions and limits, see:

* To see who your fellow finalists are and what your current target VP amount is, see the E365 Leaderboard at:

* To see who's winning what each day in the Finalists Drawing, see:

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Tri nyoman Selamat!Selamat! Anda telah membuat final E365! Anda adalah sekarang resmi salah satu yang terbaik dari yang terbaik di SFI! Anda rock!Untuk melakukannya, Anda just telah memenangkan:A. bergengsi E365 FINALIS lencana (sekarang menampilkan di situs SFI)B. 100 gratis VersaPointsC. 10 gratis entri di Grand harian (10 kesempatan untuk memenangkan pangsa lebih dari $ 2000 hadiah harian)INFORMASI EKSTRA PENTING:1. Anda sekarang berada di gambar semi finalis! Setiap hari antara sekarang dan ~ DAY365DATE ~, Anda akan memiliki 25 kesempatan untuk memenangkan uang tunai dan hadiah. Dalam semua, Anda akan memiliki 8.375 kesempatan untuk memenangkan hingga $ 500 uang tunai dan hadiah tambahan 20. Untuk dapat memenuhi syarat untuk setiap hari yang menarik, pastikan Anda memperhitungkan setidaknya 10 VP atau memiliki 1500 VP Standing Order minimal (untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang pengaturan perintah berdiri, lihat: Anda sekarang adalah salah satu hanya segelintir orang yang tersisa dari kelas Anda yang dapat mengklaim gelar juara E365. Jika antara sekarang dan ~ DAY365DATE ~ Anda mengumpulkan yang paling VP di kelas Anda, Anda akan diberi nama E365 juara kelas Anda. Untuk ini, Anda akan menerima pengakuan khusus perusahaan, tempat di E365 "hall of fame" Website, menyombongkan hak, dan sebuah plakat yang tampan untuk dinding kantor Anda untuk memperingati prestasi Anda. Itu tidak semua. Jika Anda seorang juara kami, Anda juga akan menerima tambahan 365 hari dalam gambar semi finalis (yang lain 9.125 peluang untuk memenangkan)... dan akan ada NO LIMIT pada jumlah uang tunai dan hadiah yang Anda bisa menang! Nyoman tri, setiap tahun, ratusan ribu orang bergabung dengan SFI, tetapi hanya 365 bisa mengklaim gelar juara Entrepreneur365. Anda memiliki kesempatan untuk menjadi bagian dari grup ini sangat elit SFI pengusaha. Kami berharap Anda akan membuat sebagian besar dari itu. Jika kami dapat membantu Anda setiap saat selama 11 bulan berikutnya pencarian Anda, jangan ragu untuk bertanya-kita berada di layanan Anda.Sekali lagi, kami paling tulus Selamat kepada Anda untuk membuatnya ke final. Anda harus sangat bangga dengan prestasi Anda. Good luck untuk Anda sisa perjalanan!SFI* Untuk rincian lengkap pada pemanggilan semi-finalis gambar E365, termasuk informasi hadiah, pembatasan dan batas, lihat:* Untuk melihat siapa finalis sesama Anda dan apakah Anda jumlah target VP, lihat Leaderboard E365 di:* Untuk melihat yang memenangkan apa setiap hari dalam gambar semi finalis, lihat:, Balas atau Rukan Teruskan | Lebih lanjutKlik untuk membalas RukanKirim
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Congratulations nyoman tri!

CONGRATULATIONS!  You've made the E365 finals!  You are now officially one of the best of the best in SFI!  You rock!

For doing so, you've just been won:

A. Prestigious E365 FINALIST badge (now displaying on your SFI homepage)
B. 100 free VersaPoints
C. 10 free entries in the Daily Grand (10 chances to win a share of over $2000 in daily prizes)


1. You're now in the Finalists Drawings!  Each day between now and ~DAY365DATE~, you'll have 25 chances to win cash and prizes.  In all, you'll have 8,375 chances to win up to $500 cash and up to 20 additional prizes.  To be eligible for each day's drawing, just be sure you account for at least 10 VP or have a minimum 1500 VP Standing Order (to learn more about setting up a Standing Order, see:

2. You are now one of just a handful of people remaining from your class that can claim the title of E365 Champion.  If between now and ~DAY365DATE~ you accumulate the most VP in your class, you'll be named the E365 Champion of your class.  For this, you'll receive special corporate recognition, a spot on the E365 "hall of fame" Website, bragging rights, and a handsome plaque for your office wall to commemorate your achievement.  That's not all.  If you're our champion, you'll also receive 365 ADDITIONAL days in the Finalists Drawing (that's another 9,125 chances to win)...and there will be NO LIMIT on the amount of cash and prizes you can win! 

nyoman tri, every year, hundreds of thousands of people join SFI, but only 365 get to claim the title of Entrepreneur365 Champion.  YOU have the opportunity to be a part of this very elite group of SFI entrepreneurs.  We hope you'll make the most of it.  If we can assist you at any time during the next 11 months of your quest, don't hesitate to ask--we're at your service.

Once again, our most sincere congratulations to you for making it to the finals.  You should be very proud of your accomplishment.  Good luck to you the rest of the way!

SFI Admin

* For complete details on the E365 Finalists Drawings, including prize information, restrictions and limits, see:

* To see who your fellow finalists are and what your current target VP amount is, see the E365 Leaderboard at:

* To see who's winning what each day in the Finalists Drawing, see:

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