It's a fresh, new week! Check out some of SFI's newest developments to terjemahan - It's a fresh, new week! Check out some of SFI's newest developments to Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

It's a fresh, new week! Check out s

It's a fresh, new week! Check out some of SFI's newest developments to help you reach new heights this week!



We are very excited to announce a brand new program which allows you to build your team of PSAs while simply bidding at Pricebenders.

Here's how it works:

Each time you bid at Pricebenders, you'll now be credited towards a new, freshly-generated SFI affiliate sign-up. Once you reach 50 bids, you'll automatically earn the new PSA (delivered typically within 5 days)! It's that easy...and it's a 100% free bonus! The new PSA will then be added to your Genealogy and you can begin working with them!

So that you can follow your progress, all eligible auctions will now sport a special banner. With every bid, the blue background on the banner will rise and a counter number will increase towards the magic number of 50.

To start earning your free bonus PSAs from the B&B (Bid & Build) program, just choose an auction you'd like to win from the schedule and start bidding:

Learn more about Bid & Build at our SFI News blog:


Due to ongoing, large-scale fraud involving the use of MRP (Member Rewards Points) and TCredits as payment options for ECA product listings and member-listed products, we are making changes related to these options.

Effective immediately, MRP and TCredits may be used ONLY as payment for TC Direct products and the products of select ECAs.

Special Note to ECAs: ALL ECA accounts are currently set to not accept MRP or TCredits. However, we will be going through all 6,000+ ECAs over the coming weeks to identify those qualified to accept MRP/TCredits. Qualifications will be based on years in business, years as TripleClicks ECAs, sales/refunds history, and so on. If you are approved, all of your products will immediately regain the option of payment via MRP or TCredits. Please be patient while we review every ECA account.

Also due to fraud, we are eliminating the weekly W3 (WAVE3) cash drawing.



Genealogy Features

Click any name on your Genealogy to access the Affiliate Snapshot, featuring detailed information on that affiliate. For personally sponsored affiliates, this page includes data from the Affiliate Profile, performance statistics, upline information, a sponsor checklist, and more...all designed to help you provide strong support (your responsibility as an SFI sponsor).

For more information about getting the most out of your Genealogy Report, see Genealogy Tips & Shortcuts:



Which is better to do...sponsoring SFI affiliates...or referring TripleClicks members?

92 answers (top authors: Gliceria Pritchard, Reuben Dinakar, Aina Lia)



TripleClicks now features the products and services of 6,607 ECAs (E-Commerce Associates) from 168 different countries! Check out this week's featured ECA. And be sure to connect with them to receive notices about future hot deals, closeouts, and sales!

ECA Customer Rating: Excellent

Relax your senses and lift your spirit with Holotec's home-made soaps and bath bombs. Made with natural base oils combined with essential and fragrant oils to give them a special aroma, Holotec products also offer GLUTEN & CASEIN FREE options for sensitive persons. There's something for everyone here. Check it out!

Go to the Holotec store now:



"Good Advertising technique for ECAs"

In this informative thread, SFI Gold Team Leader Ahmed R. shares his own technique for advertising his ECA store. Whether you have an ECA presence at TripleClicks or not, you'll want to check out Ahmed's post and share this marketing tip with your referred ECAs and your fellow SFI Affiliates.

Check out this thread here:



Affiliates weigh in about the new SFI Bid & Build policy recently announced:

"Thanks to Gery and the staff at SFI for another way that it pays to shop, save, and earn at SFI/TripleClicks. Aiming higher & dreaming bigger!"
--Williams F.

"Thank you GERY for this AWESOME initiative. Bid & Build is a new way to duplicate. SFI forever."
--Edna A.

"An awesome free bonus for active Pricebenders bidders! Thank you, Gery and SFI Team!"
-GT B.

"Thanks Gery for this new feature, which helps us to build our downline. It's really awesome to see how SFI cares for all the affiliates. I've never seen such a thing in other companies. Thanks again!"
--Miguel F.

WoWEeeee!!! I will repeat it! We are in Cyber marketing heaven,!! :D :D"
--Julia W.

"What a great idea! This is great news indeed for a 'cash-strapped' affiliate. AND Pricebenders Auctions will just get more popular and bigger. It's a real WIN-WIN situation. And, it works! I've already bid on three different auctions just to see the blue line rising up the figure.Thank you again, Gery. SFI ROCKS!"
--Gilbert M.



16th successful year for SFI (29th for SFI's parent company)
1.6 million affiliates (32,509 new added last week)
3.2 million TripleClicks members
94,544 commissionable products (824 new added last week)
6,607 E-Commerce Affiliates (in 168 countries)
152 LocalPay Merchants (in 37 countries)
3,626 -'s global popularity rank (source:
Millions - Commissions paid out to our affiliates (in US Dollars)

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Sudah seminggu yang baru! Check out beberapa perkembangan terbaru di SFI untuk membantu Anda mencapai ketinggian baru minggu ini!______________________________________________________MEMPERKENALKAN...TAWARAN & MEMBANGUN!Kami sangat sangat senang untuk mengumumkan sebuah program baru yang memungkinkan Anda untuk membangun tim Anda dari PSAs sementara hanya penawaran di Pricebenders.Berikut adalah cara kerjanya:Setiap kali Anda tawaran di Pricebenders, Anda akan sekarang dikreditkan ke arah baru, segar yang dihasilkan SFI afiliasi sign-up. Setelah Anda mencapai 50 tawaran, Anda akan secara otomatis mendapatkan PSA baru (diantarkan biasanya dalam waktu 5 hari)! Memang semudah itu... dan itu 100% gratis bonus! Kemudian PSAS baru akan ditambahkan ke genealogi Anda dan Anda dapat mulai bekerja dengan mereka!Sehingga Anda dapat mengikuti kemajuan Anda, Semua layak lelang sekarang akan olahraga banner khusus. Dengan setiap tawaran, latar belakang biru pada banner akan bangkit dan sejumlah counter akan meningkat terhadap angka ajaib 50.Untuk mulai mendapatkan bonus gratis Anda PSAs dari B & B (tawaran & membangun) program, hanya memilih lelang Anda ingin menang dari jadwal dan mulai Penawaran: lebih lanjut tentang tawaran & membangun di kami SFI Berita blog:<><><><><><><><><><><>KEBIJAKAN BARU MRP, TCREDITS DAN W3Karena sedang berlangsung, skala besar penipuan yang melibatkan penggunaan MRP (anggota Rewards Points) dan TCredits sebagai pilihan pembayaran untuk daftar produk ECA dan terdaftar sebagai anggota produk, kami membuat perubahan yang berkaitan dengan pilihan ini.Efektif segera, MRP dan TCredits mungkin hanya digunakan sebagai pembayaran untuk TC langsung produk dan produk-produk dari ECAs pilih.Catatan Khusus ke ECAs: ECA semua account saat ini ditetapkan untuk menerima MRP atau TCredits. Namun, kita akan pergi melalui semua 6.000 + ECAs selama beberapa minggu mendatang untuk mengidentifikasi mereka memenuhi syarat untuk menerima MRP TCredits. Kualifikasi akan didasarkan pada tahun dalam bisnis, tahun sebagai TripleClicks ECAs, penjualan/pengembalian dengan sejarah, dan sebagainya. Jika Anda disetujui, Semua produk Anda akan segera mendapatkan kembali pilihan untuk pembayaran melalui MRP atau TCredits. Harap bersabar sementara kita meninjau setiap account ECA.Juga karena penipuan, kita menghilangkan W3 mingguan (WAVE3) tunai menggambar.______________________________________________________TIP ANDA MINGGUANGenealogi fiturKlik nama apapun Anda silsilah untuk mengakses Snapshot afiliasi, menampilkan informasi rinci tentang afiliasi itu. Untuk secara pribadi disponsori afiliasi, Halaman ini mencakup data dari profil afiliasi, statistik kinerja, informasi upline Anda, daftar sponsor, dan lebih... semua dirancang untuk membantu Anda memberikan dukungan yang kuat (tanggung jawab Anda sebagai sponsor SFI).Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang mendapatkan hasil maksimal dari laporan silsilah, lihat Genealogi Tips & cara pintas SC MINGGUMana lebih baik untuk melakukan... mensponsori SFI afiliasi... atau merujuk anggota TripleClicks?Jawaban 92 (top penulis: Gliceria Pritchard, Reuben Dinakar, Lira Turki Aina) SPOTLIGHTTripleClicks sekarang fitur produk dan layanan 6.607 ECAs (E-Commerce Associates) dari 168 negara yang berbeda! Periksa ECA Terpilih minggu ini. Dan pastikan untuk menghubungkan dengan mereka untuk menerima pemberitahuan tentang masa depan penawaran, closeouts dan penjualan!HolotecBorislav, Republik CekoECA Customer Rating: sangat baikSantai indra Anda dan mengangkat semangat Anda dengan sabun buatan Holotec's dan bom mandi. Dibuat dengan minyak dasar alami yang dikombinasikan dengan minyak esensial dan wangi untuk memberi mereka aroma yang khusus, produk Holotec juga menawarkan pilihan GLUTEN & KASEIN gratis untuk orang-orang yang sensitif. Ada sesuatu untuk semua orang di sini. Periksa!Pergi ke toko Holotec sekarang: FORUM"Iklan yang baik teknik untuk ECAs"Dalam thread ini informatif, r. SFI emas tim pemimpin Ahmed saham sendiri teknik untuk iklan tokonya ECA. Apakah Anda memiliki kehadiran ECA di TripleClicks atau tidak, Anda akan ingin memeriksa Ahmed di posting dan berbagi ujung pemasaran ini dengan Anda disebut ECAs dan rekan-rekan Anda SFI afiliasi.Memeriksa thread ini di sini: viewtopic.php?f=23&t=26954______________________________________________________TESTIMONIAL MINGGUAfiliasi timbang dalam tentang tawaran SFI baru & membangun kebijakan baru saja mengumumkan:"Berkat Gery dan staf di SFI untuk cara lain yang membayar untuk toko, Simpan, dan mendapatkan di SFI, TripleClicks. Bertujuan tinggi & bermimpi besar!"--Williams F."Thank you GERY for this AWESOME initiative. Bid & Build is a new way to duplicate. SFI forever."--Edna A. "An awesome free bonus for active Pricebenders bidders! Thank you, Gery and SFI Team!"-GT B. "Thanks Gery for this new feature, which helps us to build our downline. It's really awesome to see how SFI cares for all the affiliates. I've never seen such a thing in other companies. Thanks again!"--Miguel F.WoWEeeee!!! I will repeat it! We are in Cyber marketing heaven,!! :D :D"--Julia W."What a great idea! This is great news indeed for a 'cash-strapped' affiliate. AND Pricebenders Auctions will just get more popular and bigger. It's a real WIN-WIN situation. And, it works! I've already bid on three different auctions just to see the blue line rising up the figure.Thank you again, Gery. SFI ROCKS!"--Gilbert M.______________________________________________________SFI BY THE NUMBERS16th successful year for SFI (29th for SFI's parent company)1.6 million affiliates (32,509 new added last week)3.2 million TripleClicks members94,544 commissionable products (824 new added last week)6,607 E-Commerce Affiliates (in 168 countries)152 LocalPay Merchants (in 37 countries)3,626 -'s global popularity rank (source: - Commissions paid out to our affiliates (in US Dollars)______________________________________________________
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
It's a fresh, new week! Check out some of SFI's newest developments to help you reach new heights this week!



We are very excited to announce a brand new program which allows you to build your team of PSAs while simply bidding at Pricebenders.

Here's how it works:

Each time you bid at Pricebenders, you'll now be credited towards a new, freshly-generated SFI affiliate sign-up. Once you reach 50 bids, you'll automatically earn the new PSA (delivered typically within 5 days)! It's that easy...and it's a 100% free bonus! The new PSA will then be added to your Genealogy and you can begin working with them!

So that you can follow your progress, all eligible auctions will now sport a special banner. With every bid, the blue background on the banner will rise and a counter number will increase towards the magic number of 50.

To start earning your free bonus PSAs from the B&B (Bid & Build) program, just choose an auction you'd like to win from the schedule and start bidding:

Learn more about Bid & Build at our SFI News blog:



Due to ongoing, large-scale fraud involving the use of MRP (Member Rewards Points) and TCredits as payment options for ECA product listings and member-listed products, we are making changes related to these options.

Effective immediately, MRP and TCredits may be used ONLY as payment for TC Direct products and the products of select ECAs.

Special Note to ECAs: ALL ECA accounts are currently set to not accept MRP or TCredits. However, we will be going through all 6,000+ ECAs over the coming weeks to identify those qualified to accept MRP/TCredits. Qualifications will be based on years in business, years as TripleClicks ECAs, sales/refunds history, and so on. If you are approved, all of your products will immediately regain the option of payment via MRP or TCredits. Please be patient while we review every ECA account.

Also due to fraud, we are eliminating the weekly W3 (WAVE3) cash drawing.



Genealogy Features

Click any name on your Genealogy to access the Affiliate Snapshot, featuring detailed information on that affiliate. For personally sponsored affiliates, this page includes data from the Affiliate Profile, performance statistics, upline information, a sponsor checklist, and more...all designed to help you provide strong support (your responsibility as an SFI sponsor).

For more information about getting the most out of your Genealogy Report, see Genealogy Tips & Shortcuts:



Which is better to do...sponsoring SFI affiliates...or referring TripleClicks members?

92 answers (top authors: Gliceria Pritchard, Reuben Dinakar, Aina Lia)



TripleClicks now features the products and services of 6,607 ECAs (E-Commerce Associates) from 168 different countries! Check out this week's featured ECA. And be sure to connect with them to receive notices about future hot deals, closeouts, and sales!

ECA Customer Rating: Excellent

Relax your senses and lift your spirit with Holotec's home-made soaps and bath bombs. Made with natural base oils combined with essential and fragrant oils to give them a special aroma, Holotec products also offer GLUTEN & CASEIN FREE options for sensitive persons. There's something for everyone here. Check it out!

Go to the Holotec store now:



"Good Advertising technique for ECAs"

In this informative thread, SFI Gold Team Leader Ahmed R. shares his own technique for advertising his ECA store. Whether you have an ECA presence at TripleClicks or not, you'll want to check out Ahmed's post and share this marketing tip with your referred ECAs and your fellow SFI Affiliates.

Check out this thread here:



Affiliates weigh in about the new SFI Bid & Build policy recently announced:

"Thanks to Gery and the staff at SFI for another way that it pays to shop, save, and earn at SFI/TripleClicks. Aiming higher & dreaming bigger!"
--Williams F.

"Thank you GERY for this AWESOME initiative. Bid & Build is a new way to duplicate. SFI forever."
--Edna A.

"An awesome free bonus for active Pricebenders bidders! Thank you, Gery and SFI Team!"
-GT B.

"Thanks Gery for this new feature, which helps us to build our downline. It's really awesome to see how SFI cares for all the affiliates. I've never seen such a thing in other companies. Thanks again!"
--Miguel F.

WoWEeeee!!! I will repeat it! We are in Cyber marketing heaven,!! :D :D"
--Julia W.

"What a great idea! This is great news indeed for a 'cash-strapped' affiliate. AND Pricebenders Auctions will just get more popular and bigger. It's a real WIN-WIN situation. And, it works! I've already bid on three different auctions just to see the blue line rising up the figure.Thank you again, Gery. SFI ROCKS!"
--Gilbert M.



16th successful year for SFI (29th for SFI's parent company)
1.6 million affiliates (32,509 new added last week)
3.2 million TripleClicks members
94,544 commissionable products (824 new added last week)
6,607 E-Commerce Affiliates (in 168 countries)
152 LocalPay Merchants (in 37 countries)
3,626 -'s global popularity rank (source:
Millions - Commissions paid out to our affiliates (in US Dollars)

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